Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to Kill a Zombie

  • The brain is the control center for the virus. Kill the brain, and the zombie will lose its effectiveness.
  • Zombies do not sense pain, therefore any attack no directed at the brain or head will be useless.
  • Using a firearm against a zombie can be extremely risky. They have normal hearing, and the discharge is sure to attract many more to your location.
  • The best means of eliminating a zombie is by projectile. The best projectiles are silent ones, because they do not attract more zombies. A bow or crossbow are excellent weapons for eliminating a zombie from a safe distance.
  • Always be prepared for close combat.
  • Wear tight clothing, preferably leather. Make sure your entire body is covered using protective plastics, face masks, gloves, bandanas and/or any other material available. Shave your head or keep your hair covered.
  • Do not assume that all zombies act the same. In fact, the behavior of a zombie can vary from one to another. One zombie may get excited by rap music, another by jazz. Expect the unexpected.
  • Only a direct hit to the brain will eliminate a zombie. If using a firearm, shotgun and/or rifle, automatics are recommended to decrease the margin of error.
  • Fire has very little effect on zombies. However, almost all zombies will investigate it and therefore it may be useful as a distraction.
  • Vehicles can prove to be excellent weapons against zombies. Make sure you have plenty of gas and keel all windows up. Stick to paved roads.
  • Setting a trap can be a highly effective offensive strategy. For example, play a television at high volume to draw zombies in. They may then be easily picked off from sniping positions at safe distances. Horror films with lots of gore seem to work especially well. Vampire movies however, do not.

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