Saturday, February 4, 2012

Zombie Questions & Answers

Will the flu vaccine provide protection from an outbreak of zombie virus?
No, the flu vaccine will not protect you from zombies. But it will help to prevent you from feeling like one if you are exposed to the flu virus. Visit the Flu Vaccine Clinics webpage to find out where you can get vaccinated. 

Is there anyone who should not get the vaccine?
In addition to zombies, there are some people who should avoid vaccination:

  • Those with severe egg allergies
  • Those who have experienced a severe reaction from the flu vaccine
What happens if I get sick?
The most important thing to do if you get sick with the flu is to stay home, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. If you become a zombie, well, your options become severely limited.
What can I do to stay healthy and hopefully avoid BOTH zombie and flu viruses?
Keeping your hands clean is one of the most effective methods to prevent the spread of germs. Follow these steps to make sure you wash your hands properly:

  1. Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available.
  2. Rub your hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces.
  3. Continue rubbing hands for 20 seconds. (About the amount of time it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice).
  4. Rinse your hands well under running water.
  5. Dry you hands using a single use paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet.
Of course, if a zombie bites off your hands these steps become useless. On the bright side - hand hygiene will be the least of your worries. If you do escape from a zombie attack intact it is important to note you cannot wash off zombie viruses. But following these steps will give you shiny, clean hands in your mad dash to safety. 

How far away should I stay from someone who is sick?
Social distancing is a precaution that should be taken with anyone who has a contagious illness. This means staying between three and six feet away from someone with the flu. If a zombie is coming your way, we recommend staying 20 feet away or at least the distance of your extended arm holding a swinging baseball bat. 

When should I go to the doctor?
Most healthy people do not need to see a physician if they have the flu. If unsure, call your doctor. Do not go to an emergency room unless you have severe symptoms or a chronic condition that puts you at higher risk for flu complications. Zombies view hospitals as a gourmet buffet of people too weak to fight them off so they should never be let in. 

Will antibiotics help fight the flu or ward off becoming a zombie?
No, antibiotics are not effective for fighting the flu or zombies. 

Will practicing healthy habits keep me from becoming a zombie?
No, but it may help you from feeling like one. Getting at least eight hours of sleep each night, eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of fluids, managing stress and being physically active will help ward off the flu and keep you in excellent shape to outrun a zombie. 

When is flu season? Does it correspond with zombie season?
In the United States, flu season occurs in the fall and winter: usually between November and March. Unfortunately, zombies enjoy gnawing on flesh year-round.

How do I know if I have the flu?
Unlike the transformation from human to zombie, it is hard to distinguish the flu from other forms of respiratory illness based on symptoms alone. There are tests a doctor can perform to identify the flu virus, though the outcome does not usually change how you are treated. You will not need a doctor's diagnosis to find out if you are a zombie. The urgent need to consume flesh will be the biggest indicator. 

How long do flu viruses survive?
Studies show that human influenza viruses can survive on surfaces between two and eight hours. Zombie viruses have no expiration date, though they are not known to survive outside of a human life form. 

What kills the influenza virus and/or a zombie virus?
Influenza viruses can be destroyed by heat, chemical germicides, detergents, certain antiseptics and alcohols. Unfortunately, an effective agent for killing zombie viruses has not been discovered. For now, the only means of protecting yourself is to avoid the threat (simply put - RUN!) or eliminate the vector (more simply put - SQUISH ITS BRAIN!). This is a temporary solution, though, since in the event of a zombie apocalypse another undead thing will most likely be lurking around every corner.

1. Z-Mission: Healthy people living in a zombie-free Southern Nevada. Southern Nevada Health Department

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