Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Zombie Infestation Do's and Don'ts

  • Do run. Remember, you're the prey now. Turn your back to your troubles and get the hell out.
  • Do aim. One careful head shot is worth a thousand wasted bullets in the extremities.
  • Do check. Just because it's stopped moving for now doesn't mean it's never moving again.
  • Do fortify. Find a secure location and reinforce all entrances. Help will arrive soon, right?
  • Do plan. A little planning today can make the difference between life and death tomorrow.
  • Do adapt. However good your plans are, something will catch you unaware. Be agile.

  • Don't hesitate. That is not your mom anymore. Shoot to kill.
  • Don't touch. Keep arms and legs away from the biting zone.
  • Don't befriend. Zombies aren't suitable as pets or lab rats.
  • Don't panic. Remember, you're supposed to be the one who can think.
  • Don't advertise. Hint: You don't want them to know you're there.
  • Don't separate. If you're on your own, there's no one to watch your back.

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