Thursday, February 9, 2012

Zombie Traits & Survival Skills

  • The undead are slowest when recently turned and rigor mortis has set in (1 to 2 hours). After about 72 hours, the body relaxes again as a result of decomposition. This is known as "resolution of rigor." A zombie will regain speed at this point but will slow again as it decomposes. In general, the smaller a zombie is, the slower it will be.
  • Zombies transfer their condition via blood and/or saliva, usually be biting their victims.
  • The undead don't need to breath and therefore can walk underwater.
  • Do NOT try to reason with a zombie. Although they have some basic memory, they are only focused on one thing. Eating Your Brains.
  • Do NOT ingest alcoholic beverages, marijuana, crack-cocaine, heroin, MDMA, "'shrooms," LSD, or anything else that would impair your senses.
  • Do NOT scream when you see a zombie. It is sure to attract more.
  • Do NOT wander searching for any items that aren't necessary for survival, i.e. big screen TVs, fashionable clothing, action figures, life-size cutouts of your favorite sports stars, etc.
  • Do NOT travel in large groups. Not only is it easier for zombies to spot you, but large groups are hard to keep organized. If traveling is absolutely necessary, groups of 2 to 4 people are recommended.
  • Do NOT stay in a location with only one entrance/exit for any significant amount of time.
  • If trapped in a dwelling, stay calm. While constant moaning from outside can drive you made, do NOT wear earplugs or headphones. Try playing music load enough to drown out the moans but soft enough to hear a door crashing in or a window breaking.
  • Stay away from graveyards.

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